Dream catcher - what is it and what is the function?
Dream catchers We have been well known to us for centuries. Many people consider them to be Magic items and a dose of mystery. We usually associate with in the form of an amulet, suspended above the bed. It aims to catch bad dreams and thoughts. Thanks to this, we can get up rested and full of new energy for action every morning. Interestingly, currently dream catchers can more and more often see not only in the bedroom, but even in the form of a jewelry element.
Dream catchers were once Used by North American and Canadian Indian tribes, and more specifically Odżibwejów and Siuks. They occurred in the form of small mesh, which was decorated with bird feathers and even elements of animal skins. It is Indian beliefs that say that Only good dreams find the way through the eyes and penetrate our consciousness, and the bad ones are stopped by dream catchers, and then sent away where they came from.
How can you make a dream catcher?
We will successfully buy dream catchers in many places, but we can also make it ourselves. We will need only yarn, feathers and twigs. Most often, dream catchers take on The shape of the rim, drops, sometimes tears. Inside is already mentioned mesh that resembles a cobweb. This is what we will need a yarn. The rim will be made of flexible twig. For this purpose, it works very well, even willow or larch. If we want to decorate our dream catcher, then on a network made of thread we can hang beads, feathers, colorful ribbons or even shells. Let's make sure that his appearance tunes us positively and bring only good thoughts. Thanks to this, we will not allow nightmares to the mind, but made by us The amulet will drive away all bad dreams.

Dream catcher - how does it work?
To understand the action of a dream catcher well, we must move again to the Indian village, where for the first time a woman prepared a catcher for her son. Created by her The dense network of strings was to filter dreams and release only the pleasant ones, while stopping all nightmares. As The idea turned out to be great, a The child finally slept comfortably, it was the Indians very quickly attributed to the dream catcher much greater merits and powers. According to their beliefs, having a dream catcher at home guaranteed the protection of the home, as well as all household members.
Interestingly, then every element that consisted of a catcher had some meaning. The beads were to help in fulfilling pleasant dreams, the pens of the Owl symbolized wisdom, and the eagle added courage. Often, pieces of animal fur also appeared in the catches. They were to give warmth and comfort. However, that's not all - larch wood, from which a circle was often created, added health, And the corner of the deer increased the chances of a successful hunt. Importantly, every element that consisted of a dream catcher was made Only from natural materials.