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What is the optimal sleeping temperature?

The comfort of our sleep is influenced by many factors. These include primarily the quality of the mattress, air quality in the bedroom and the temperature we have in the room. We must remember that not only the length of sleep counts, but also, and maybe above all its quality. In addition to the above -mentioned aspects, this is also influenced by how we eat, how much movement we have during the day, and what obstetrics prevail in the bedroom. Today, however, we will focus primarily on the temperature, which plays a huge role for our sleep.


Sleeping temperature - what is optimal?

Of course, we cannot clearly indicate what temperature is the best for everyone during the night. Each of us finally has different preferences and each of us accepts a given temperature in different ways. Certainly, even in our surroundings, we know people who can wrap themselves in a blanket or covers on warm summer days. We also know those that walk in winter only in a sweatshirt and summer shoes. Despite the data of preferences, however, we can indicate what temperature is the best for the regeneration of our body. It is between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius. The exception can be the elderly, whose body changes with age and needs a slightly higher temperature. Then the most effective is about 20 degrees Celsius.



Optimal sleeping temperature - remember about proper ventilation

We already know what temperature is ideal in our bedroom, but as we wrote above - the temperature is not everything. For a perfect microclimate in the sleeping room, it is necessary to meet several conditions. One of the most important is ventilation and adequate humidity. Ideally, if we can ventilate our bedroom up to several times a day. If this is not possible, let's try to ventilate the bedroom for at least a few to several minutes in the morning and just before bedtime, in order to provide the largest amount of fresh air. It is equally important to maintain a proper humidity level. Excess moisture promotes mold and mushrooms, which can have a negative effect on breathing. In addition, this can lead to headache and even allergies. Too low humidity, in turn, dries our respiratory tract, which makes us more exposed to various types of infections.


What is the optimal sleeping temperature? 


The best sleeping temperature - why is it so important?

We have probably noticed that we sleep better in winter than in summer? The temperature in the bedroom has a big impact on this. In winter, it is usually much lower, so that the body does not overheat, and we can sleep peacefully and comfortably. But why is the temperature so important at night?

Well, for the regeneration of our body during sleep, the deep sleep phase is responsible. Then we usually do nothing, and breath and heart rhythm slow down. Thanks to this, the body can rest more intensively. As a result, the temperature of our body also changes - it drops by about 0.5 degrees Celsius. The longer we keep this temperature, the longer we will be in the deep sleep phase, and thus, we will rest better. If this phase lasts briefly, unfortunately it is a sign that we are in the paradoxical sleep phase for a long time. Then our mind works more intensively, dreams often appear, and we are more exposed to ambient temperature, which in effect does not allow our body to focus only on rest.

Interestingly, the body reacts to a change in temperature at any time. If it falls lightly, the body knows that it should be ready to sleep. What's more, the ambient temperature is a huge impact on the temperature of our body, which is why it is so important that it is as optimal as possible before bedtime.


What is the optimal sleeping temperature?


Sleeping temperature - what are the effects of the wrong temperature?

We already know what temperature is adopted as the best for our body, and why it is so important. Is it time to look at what are the consequences of the wrong temperature? Maybe not all of us know, but they can be much more deplorable than just those related to thermal comfort.

Let's start with a reduced level of melatonin - it is responsible for regulating the daily rhythm in the body, and too high the temperature significantly reduces it. Thermoregulation processes are also disturbed, which in turn translates into a decrease in immunity, especially for children. Here it is worth stopping for a moment. It is very important not to overheat the child from an early age, because if it is accustomed to high temperatures, then over time it can have big problems with the appropriate response to a lower temperature, which in turn will mean greater susceptibility to all kinds of infections. We also cannot fail to mention hormonal disorders that invariably high temperatures. We return here, even to the previously mentioned melatonin, although not only its level is disturbed. This also applies to cortisol, which in appropriate conditions has a mobilizing effect and prevents depression, stress or anxiety.

What is the optimal sleeping temperature?