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Feng shui in the bedroom - what are the rules?

Bedroom it is without a doubt nThe most intimate and private place in our home. It is in this room that the atmosphere should be the most favorable to our comfort, relaxation and good sleep. Especially when we have a lot of work or we get problems, the bedroom should be a space that us It will calm down, calm down and let you feel completely safe. Exactly that Knowledge of the basic principles of feng shui, i.e. internships from ancient China, will allow us to properly plan the spacethat she passes through the bedroom without any obstacles Good energy. Hence, the room will become withbalanced, harmoniousand our well -being will improve.

 Feng shui in the bedroom - what are the rules?


Feng shui in the bedroom - rules


The bedroom is a place that should accumulate as much positive energy as possible, which will at the same time silence us after a whole day of hard work. However, to develop such a comfortable condition, we need some time. Below We will indicate some basic principles that should be followed to achieve full peace and harmony.

  • Let's bet on big bed king-size and decent mattress,
  • Let's set night tables on both sides of the bed,
  • Let's place the bed in the middle of the roombut not too close to the door,
  • Let's limit minimum possession electronic equipment in bedroom,
  • Let's mount blinds on the windowswhich are designed to maximize the air flow,
  • Let's just use natural materials, such as rattan, cotton,
  • Let's not use too strong light, let's also use candles.


Feng shui in the bedroom - what are the rules? 

Feng Shui bedroom - what color of walls and lighting?



As we have already mentioned above, it is worth using not very strong lighting, and It's best to use candleswhich slightly they will suppress and calm down the bedroom. Let's avoid lamps with glass and transparent lampshades. Let's replace them with lampshades or lactous glass shades. The light falling in this way will give the bedroom a unique atmosphere. As for the walls - it's worth it in this case use bright and used colors that will make it easier for us to rest - They work for this purpose Pastel shades of blue and earth colors.

Energy specialists are also advised what to use to use to heat the atmosphere in the bedroom. The easiest and most effective way is the application mirrors and hanging it in a place where you can see the reflection of people in bed - The rule in this case is one - however - After moments spent in the arms of a loved one, the mirror should be obscured, even with fabric.

Feng shui in the bedroom - what are the rules? 


Feng shui in the bedroom - how to set up a bed?


The arrangement of the bedroom according to the feng shui principles is not as difficult as they paint it. As we already know, the most important is the proper flow of energy. It is also necessary to remember about the right bed setting, which has a huge impact on our rest. To get the best energy, the bed should be placed in the middle of the bedroom or by the wall, but not close to the door. Sleeping on a fold -out sofa is also discouraged because it gives us a sense of temporariness and causes a lack of perseverance in a relationship. What's more, bed headrests should give us a sense of security. Finally, it is also worth mentioning that The bed should be new, purchased by us, not inherited from ancestors or strangers. According to the principles of feng shui, items stop the owner's energy for a very long time. If we adapt to the above principles of harmony, we can be sure that our rest will be fully comfortable and relaxing.

Feng shui in the bedroom - what are the rules? 


Also read: Mirror in the bedroom - is it worth using?